Crypto Formation

Introduction: For nearly five years, I've been immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies, navigating the highs and lows of this dynamic ecosystem.

What I Offer: I provide beginner-friendly training covering the basics of cryptocurrencies, investment strategies, and risk management for those looking to invest some of their savings without prior knowledge.
A simple and effective approach to acquiring your first cryptos, with a long-term strategy.

Why Me: My personal investment experience, combined with my passion for finance, enables me to guide beginners toward informed decisions.


session: 100 130 90

Payments can be made in these three currencies, via PayPal, Interac e-transfer, or crypto transfer (in stablecoins; USDC or USDT).

Cours particuliers d'anglais

Introduction: Having lived in Canada for 12 years, I've honed my English skills in both francophone and anglophone environments.

What I Offer: I offer English lessons tailored to francophones, focusing on practical, immersive approaches suitable for all levels.

Why Me: As the son of an English teacher and now fully bilingual, I am well-equipped to help francophones master English.


forfait 1h : 30 40 25
forfait 5h: 130 175 110
forfait 10h: 250 330 200

Les paiements peuvent se faire dans ces trois devises, via PayPal, virement interac, ou transfert en crypto (en stable coin; USDC ou USDT).

NOTE: pour éviter tout malentendu, les paiements devront être effectués avant le début des leçons.

Private French lessons

Introduction: With years of experience teaching French, I've developed effective techniques to facilitate language learning for anglophones.

What I Offer: I provide personalized French lessons for anglophones, focusing on practical communication and understanding the nuances of the language.

Why Me: My experience teaching in private schools and my proven pedagogical methods ensure rapid and effective learning.


1 hour: 30 40 25
5 hours: 130 175 110
10 hours: 250 330 200

The payments can be made in these three currencies, through PayPal, Interac e-transfer, or crypto transfer (in stable coin; USDC or USDT).

NOTE: To avoid any misunderstanding, payments must be made before the start of the lessons.